We have our own Technical Assistance Service, T.A.S., with personalized attention and a higher quality, to manage the technical assistance process. 

A new management of the T.A.S., which will allow a complete control of the service in all its phases, starting with the initial phone call to make a query or report an incidence and the visit to the customer´s home, to the end of the assistance and the evaluation of the final satisfaction of the customer.

For all this we will have a centralized information service available, Call Center, which will receive all queries regarding technical assistance by email or by phone.

Its main features are:

Comprehnsive assistance: All Gala, products, in one phone call.

More comfort: A qualified professional ready to solve your query will be one phone call away.  

A greater promptness: The specialist will get in touch with the customer in 24 hours.

­More quality: Centralization of all queries or doubts regarding our service in one single information point.


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