2015 Knowledge Management Awards

Premio a la Gestión del Conocimiento 2015
Premio a la Gestión del Conocimiento 2015

Gala, certified company in Knowledge Management

Gala has recently received the OGECON seal, a quality certificate awarded by FAE (Confederation of Business Associations) and the University of Burgos that recognises those companies that have proved good practices related to Knowledge Management.

This is an initiative started in 2004 with the creation of the Knowledge Management Observatory and it is a good example of the collaboration between the University and Companies.

Cerámicas Gala is a member of the OGECON club, whose aim is the adoption of knowledge management within the business management and which implies the application of different aspects:

   • To promote the Knowledge Management in companies.

   • To share experiences in the field of Knowledge Management.

   • To propose useful actions for companies.

   • To facilitate the access to specific studies and methodologies.

   • To implicate the access to specific studies and methodologies.

For Gala, which already received the OGECON Award in 2014, this new recognition is another proof of its determination in building a brand name and an impeccable company in all aspects.

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