Award for Best Website and Blog

Premio a la mejor web y blog
Premio a la mejor web y blog

‘’ is an open, accessible and comprehensive communication channel with which Gala, leading brand in bathroom products and tiles, interacts with its clients and suppliers.  A 24/7 and constantly updated channel in which users find in an easy and intuitive manner all the product information, technical features and images of more than 1,000 references. The website also grants you access to Gala’s catalogues, to the company’s customer services and to the contact information of all Gala’s points of sale in Spain and abroad. On the other hand, the blog complements the service provided by the website offering inspiration regarding novelties and decoration trends, as well as practical ideas for the renovation and organization of your home.  

In this sense, the Dircom Ramón del Corral awards have especially recognised the usability of ‘’ and its ability to display a comprehensive catalogue of content in a clear and attainable way. Óscar García, Communication Manager at Gala, received the award and explained that the company “is fully committed to its clients and suppliers, working daily to offer them the best and most complete information at all times. Gala’s website and blog are the result of this work and for this reason, we are particularly proud and encouraged by this recognition to continue our efforts in this direction.”

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